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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Flumin and his hair

I can see thou face again.
Oh my beautiful beautiful little hubby. He didn't cut his hair for a year. It grew longer and longer and in the end he looked like some kind of mix between hot mix between Johnny Depp and Russel Brand. But where did his face go? He was hiding behind his long dark curls and thick beard. Then one day some weeks ago now. It all got chopped off. Now I can see his face again! Me like!

 Curly boy
 Flat ironed boy
 Jesus (LOL)
 Short hair boy

3 cute comments:

Ljung said...

me like!
the short that is!

En mamma mitt i vardagen. said...

ÅH!! He´s hot hihih men de visste du ju redan haha

Karin said... det vet du redan. Jag gillar både långt och kort...bara det inte är rakt, han blir som jesus då..haha/