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Do you know what number those are?
Well of course you dont. It could be anything.
But u wanna know huh? You really do?
First of all, its dollars.
12.000 Dollars- $12,000=approx 110,000 Swedish crowns- 110,000:-
Ok. For what you think?
I'll tell you what its for. Its the annual cost of Sofias preeschool.
Yes. Thats the ammount of money they have to pay for her, to go, not to college (that we all know its out of this world expensive over here) No, its for Pre-school- Dagis.
That my friends, is crazy.
Not only that. But now its the times for enrolling you little 4-5 yr olds in Kindergarten. Which is even more crazy. Its really difficult getting your child into one of these schools. And they are even more expensive, above $20,000. Yes. I am telling the truth.
Not only do they have to pay this, you are enrolling your child from Pre-K to 8th grade. So every year, you have to pay around $23,000 dollars for you childs school (Ps, no food included, have to bring lunch in lunch boxes)
A mom me and sofia has playdates with told me this.
She just enrolled her son in a kindergarten up in marin, because its too crazy here in the city. They have insane tests and interviews with the children. Makes them jump on one leg, draw a human, and behave well (among lots of other things) The parents have to be really sociable and prove that they will attend charitable events and donate even more money to the schools. Attend lunches with other moms and uuhh...just be fake!
You have a list of the 7 most desireable schools you want your child to attenend. Most children dont get into the top 7. Then you need to do more horrible interviews with the 8th-15th choice on your list.
Some people don't get their children into a school in time- some kids even miss the first weeks in school because they havnt gotten into one!!! And again- we are talking about Tiny tots here!!!
Jackie told me that moms are crying in the school corridors because their kids didnt get into the kindergarten they hoped for. And that there is lots of talking behind the back like "Did you hear about Kathys son, he didnt get into the Diller school. He couldnt draw a human, you know, hes a little after"
Sounds like a movie? Its real.
Of course, these are private schools we're talking about. But if you live in the city, you dont want your child to go to a public school (which are free)
They are really bad, in bad neighboorhoods, and dont even have art class sometimes! And still, you usually dont get into your first choise. Your child get into the 14th choice, wich is probably really far away from where you live, and a scruffy one. You kids will end up being gangsters.
It gets better outside the city though. The schools. Thats why San francisco has never had so few families as now. Everyone is moving out of the city, because of the school situation.
The public schools is easier to get into, and of course, they are free.
So, getting kids and live in San francisco, no can do. Uh-uh. C'est impossible!
But guys, again. Im appauled here. Can you imagine paying 110,000:- every year for your child to attend daycare? Can you imagine paying over 200,000:- ever year for your child to attend kindergarten to 8th grade?
Then comes high school, which is even more expensive!! around $26,000, and my friends, i will not even write those numberes in swedish. I think u get the point.
But isnt it weird, that a country like sweden. Can afford to give all children good, fun public schools? For free?
When a country like USA. The richest country in the world. Can even afford to give children art classes? It makes me sick.
And even more weird, how the f*ck do these people afford this???? I always knew SF was a wealthy city, but gee. And add a sibling to that. Or two. Youre either bancrupt or have gangster kids. Yeay. dont we live in a great world. Applause for USA.
So fellow swedes. Enjoy the swedish school system and welfare as long as it lasts. One day you might have to start paying for good schools too. The path Sweden is taking now....
Over n out
3 cute comments:
låter knappt sant, men förstår att det är det. Önska daniel fattar vilken förmån han har egentligen...!
Det låter iallafall som om, den dagen ni får barn i framtiden och det är dags för det barnet att gå i skolan...då hamnar ni i sverige.
Man har ju fattat detta när man ser fimer och så, där det alltid är så att det pratas om pengar och barnens skolavgifter. Men att det kostar sååå mycket...otroligt...i ett sånt rikt land. Men det blir väl så i sverige med till slut. Det kommer en ny lag nästa år, där de som har bra betyg från gymnasiet, hamnar i en A grupp och de som inte gör det, utan måste läsa upp vissa ämnen på komvux, hamnar i en B grupp, när de skall antas på högskola och universitet. Då plockar de först dom ur A gruppen och resterande ur B gruppen. De får m.a.o. en ännu mindre chans att vidareutbilda sig. Helt sjukt. Alla är inte lika värda...tacka alliansen för detta!!
puss på er...väntar på foton...och vill se ALLA...annars får du skicka till mig!
Jaa, en helt annan värld. Men man får tänka på att de tjänar mer än vi. Det är ett helt annat system.
Ändå, känns omöjligt att ha råd.
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