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Monday, March 23, 2009


I wanted to share some movies i've seen lately. Really good ones!
The first one, Coraline, was really good and cute. Remember, this is all puppets. Amazing. Love style and mood, but not the design of Coraline.

Watchmen. Prepare for a loooooong movie. It was ok. I like the visual effects in it, but it was ridiculous choise of music. "Hallelujah" during a scene where they make love. "Sound of silence" on a funeral, and Jimi Hendrix "all along the watchtower" Among other ones. That just made it stupid. But i enjoyed it, and liked the way that they didnt cencure violence and nudity out.

"Knowing" Wow. Loved this one. Very surprising end, and a good story. Good thinking. Very intense!

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