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Monday, March 23, 2009
What happened last week
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Emma came back to SF for a week. Yay. You gotta love visits from Sweden.
Friday, I joined her, and Ulrika for a day of shopping and catching up.
Later David came and we went to a pub/restaurant with amazing burgers and steaks. Emma was almost sleeping.
It was St Pattys day on Tuesday, but there was a choise of snuggle in the sofa, or be annoyed by too drunk irish peeps, so i chose the snuggle this year. Score.
I had a photography field trip to china basin to photograpgh.
Got the talking with a dude from my class. Who told me he wantet to be a wedding photographer too. He never shot a wedding before, and he charges 2900 for a wedding. Dollars that is folks. Dollars. Not Swedish crowns. Dollars. And here i am offering my services for free. Damn. That made me motivated!
Karaoke on Thursday, and my Emelie came!! Havn't seen her since my birthday last year. I missed her!! I also met Karro who is back for a while. It was packed, and as ususal, i got hit on by a guy. Some kind of well dressed office-type dude. Who thell goes to karaoke in a suit??
Friday was Touristday. Woke up with a headache and met up with Always alert and lively Emma.
We did Twin peaks, Portrero hill, got some picnic lunch by the waterfront, slept, talked, then we took the bikes over GG bridge and slept on the brickwall there for a while. A very nice day! (although i felt like dying because of my heahdache)
David came home and we drove down to the place where its not cool to be- cupertino (damn, its just so freakin far to drive!) Got a nice BBQ with Emmas hostparents. Nice eveing!
Kisses::: Boo
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