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Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Oh my god. Finally, I've gotten the answer to what Lady Gaga sings in her song!

I've heard it the whole summer, and been annoyed about that she sings "bonk your face"
What the hell is that? Who makes a song like this?
Especially after the refrain they sing "bonk bonk bonk bonk bonk bonk bonk bonk your face" several times until you actually do wanna bonk their face into something.

However, the other day, whilst listening to this song, i realized that they sing POKER FACE!
I just googled it, and hey. there it was. "poker face" with Lady gaga.

Hey Lady Gaga- Learn how to sing and not mumble huh!!

Poker face

2 cute comments:

Karin said...

hahahaha...det var ju roligt det här...haha...bonk your face...haha:-)

En mamma mitt i vardagen. said...

me Pannin!! Kunde du ju frågat mig jue!! hahahaha men de va rätt kul, bonk your face!!