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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Saris is here, week two

And, here comes week two. The week of Mon 29 june to Davids birthday on Thursday July 2nd. Los Angeles comes after. Too many photos to put in one posting!!

Monday June 29th

Pool in the during the day, then "transformers" in Japantown in the evening! The movie was the suckiest movie ever and i hate Megan Fox. I wanted to leave within the first 10 minutes
Tuesday june 30th

Me and Sarah went to "Great america" amusement park. But man, we've gotten too old for this stuff. We were annoyed with all the stupid kids just running around, we complained on the heat and just felt like two 90yr olds!! We had fun though! It was just tireing!!

Sarah went crazy on our first ride. The carousel!
i think this was the most boring ride ever. Granpas cars on Liseberg is much better!
We tried to eat healthy, but in americas themeparks, its impossible. Hunger gave in and this is some kind of "chicken"
We felt like we gotten run over by trucks and dragged after them, in the end of the day

Wednesday 1st of July

Our big shoppingday! I told Sarah she would love the clothes on Macy's. Like most people, she thought it was expensive and snobby, so she said "Ok, we take take a quick round"
13 pieces of clothes and 3 hours later she was done. It was a shoppingparadise and even i shopped away with i think 9 bargains!
Oopsie. I wasnt supposed to shop
Sarah could shop with good concience. But she didnt.David made BBQ for us

That little flumis
Beef was amazingly yummiii!
Time to party!!! Sarah had money sweats, and i had headache. We didnt feel like it, but we told Alex and Gabi the we would go for just one drink We went to the "bar street" only 4 blocks away where they have the cozy lounge "Matrix"

This was Bellas idea!! Posing with the fire...
I "found" some Australians, or, they found me. I started a conversation about spiders.
"Woow, you're from Australia? I always wanted to go there, but a couple of weeks ago i saw a documentary on animal planet about funnel web spiders, and since then, i changed my mind"

They all laughed, what a way to start a conversation! But hey, at least i seemed like a brainy gal watching animal planet and all. There was 5 of them, and they seemed nice, so i told Alex, Bella, and poor Sarah who was being hit on by a weird guy that they should come and talk to them. Thats my job as a married woman. Matchmake others haha.

They were very nice though. Usually, when they find out that i'm married they just laugh and leave. Really rude. But these guys were different, even bought me drinks! (usually i just have to buy my own drinks because im married) and we, who were only supposed to take one drink, ended up at a V.I.P table with vodka bottles and tequila flowing.

Thats our idea of "a drink" haha
Me and my Bellis

Thursday 2nd of July

David, my little fluffy flumis 32nd birthday! did the last presentshopping in Japantown. Had an awesome lunch at a sushi boat place. i dont think Sarah can eat sushi in Sweden anymore. It is so much better and fresh here! Then we had to pack for L.A (we were supposed to leave when David came home)
Doing laundry at a laundromat
Sushi lunch!
I'm preparing
Sarah's lokking forward for the cakes

Flumis blowing the candles
And giving wifie a kissie!
I get fashinated by the Dragonball toys i bought him
He liked his presents!
Then we headed toooooo

to be continued....

4 cute comments:

Karin said...

Ååååh, vad kul...roligt att se lite mer av er lägenhet med. Och köket har jag aldrig sett så noga heller. Nu såg jag hur det ser ut utanför, där david grillar. Visste inte att det låg så, rätt fram. trodde taket var åt ena hållet...där ser man:-)
Kul bilder från affären..haha.
ta nu inte en evighet för att få ut resten...nyfiken på LA...puss/

sarah said...

Haha! Jaa, nästan identiskt, vad knäppt :-)
Åt äcklig svensk sushi igår, äääckligt! "suck"Mojojojo...."drömmer"...Spicy Ahi Tempura roll...Testade nån spicy tuna rulle i ettt svagt hopp det skulle vara samma sak...det var det inte..:-(

Stephanie said...

Låter som en rolig vecka två! En fråga, var det på Matrix som Bella mötte Bobby??
Ser att ni var på Sushi Boat, my favorite!!! Miss it so!!
Snart, så kommer vi att kunna äta där!! YAY!! :D

Botchow said...

ja! snart kan vi det Steph! Nope, bella traffade val Bobby pa husbaten skulle jag tro. Detta e ett annat gang som bara va pa besok!