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Thursday, July 30, 2009


Dude, i was checking out some recipes, and i wanted to make "korv stroganoff" (sausage stroganoff) and then i realized that we don't have the famous swedish sausage "Falu korv" here!!! I want everything with falukorv now. Korv stroganoff, Falu korv in the oven, just plain fried freakin falukorv, cold raw falukov on Hönö kaka!!!


I could move to Sweden right now. Just because of the Falukorv.

5 cute comments:

Karin said...

haha...du får lägga falukorven i kolumnen till höger, och skriva "our future food"..!

sarah said... have starbucks and mojojojo and spicy tuna tempura rolls so shut up man....;-)

sarah said...

P.S Supernice new header babe!!!Hey,I took at least 2 of the photos me thinks...TIHI!

Ljung said...

Falukorv Falukorv Falukorv Falukorv Falukorv Falukorv Falukorv Falukorv Falukorv Falukorv Falukorv Falukorv Falukorv Falukorv Falukorv

visst e' re' gött!!

Stephanie said...

Hahahaha... Om jag kan så tar jag med mig falukorv!! Jag vet hur det är när man blir sugen på något så där! hahah puss på dig!