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Thursday, June 25, 2009


No kidding!

Sarah is here. Thats the crazy cousin/best friend. She moved from U.K to Sweden at age 5. Our mamas raised us like sisters since then. Always together. Always sleepovers.

Then she moved to Stockholm, and i moved here. A big transition, that we got used to now, but there is always a little piece of me missing.

She arrived on Friday. Picked her up and after our usual dramatic hellos and tears we picked up Jonas, Then picked up Davidou, and then we were off to Clearlake.

When we came there, the first thing that happened when i opened the door wasan american girl with an annoying voice almost falling into the car and sayin "ohh, but this is the wrong car" Neither one of us were in a mood for annoying drunk girls. We just looked at her, but i think we scared her away.

Anyway, and thats practicly the weekend. Drunk young girls, and old men staring at them haha.
Thats clearlake man. Me and Sarah had lots of fun! The boys, naaa, not so much :-)
They are not really partyboys, and especially not he kind of parrty that goes on up there. David loves to just "chill out" And i love that about him. I wouldnt even want to have a partyboy. We complete eachother perfectly!

We Loved the dancin and the midsummer traditions, flowers in the hair, dance around the pole. The dinner was so late though, it took them 5 hours, FIVE hours to make it.( Usually takes 2)
People were like animals when they finally opened the doors. The were gonna open 2 doors, and not the one everyone had been cuing outside, so people ran everywhere. It became a stamphede, Sarah ran on the table. It was like a drunk chickenfarm. Thats really the right word.

Bella was totally out of it all weekend. When we came up on Friday, she had been there 9 hours already. Party on. She couldnt stand straight and was "un-contactable" haha. I was surprised that the day after i heard her from my tent, sounded happy and awake. Then she started drinking at 8 in the morning haha.
You can imagine what state she was in not even before midday haha. I honestly never seen anyone that drunk, and towards the night, she couldnt focus the eyes on you, they were all red, i didnt understand a word she was saying. She was definatly the center of attention! :-)

Here some photos y'all!

Good mornin'

Bellas halo was the best hahaMoi

Dancin' on the table


Little frogs

I think we think we're hot

...But we're not (Saris looks like a transvestite here! So funny!)
Kissie on hubby

I don't think they like eachother

Sarah is waaaay strong dude!


David woke up from his nap and ate and cuddled for a while

Saris going nuts!More photos at my resdagboken page:

3 cute comments:

Ljung said...

WHY do I get teary eyed looking at you two together???? Silly me!!!


Karin said...

håller meeed! yeahhh...sis!!

En mamma mitt i vardagen. said...

Nawww...vill ju vara med på en sån där da...eller kanske två veckor eller så haha pyss