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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Stinky pad Thai

What the hell just happened?

i just made the worst dinner in my entire life.
It was so bad, we actually couldnt eat it.
We had to throw the god damn food. Thats just crazy! i mean, i eat most things! But Johannas Pad Thai, dude, stay away from that!
the funny thing is, i felt really bad. Like, what kind of wife am i? Cant even cook for my husband.
Hope he won't divorce me for this.

Now we're waiting for pizza.

3 cute comments:

Karin said...

*ASG*...stackars dig...är du en desperat housewife nu då. Jag tror du fick en extra puss för den misslyckade middagen.

Belliiiii said...

Naaaa, en riktig kock måste få misslyckas i sina prövingar..

Anonymous said...

aaahahahaha....*skrattar ondskefullt och pekar finger* Det ska jag dra upp varenda gång du klagar på mig ;-) hihihi...
/Kock-saris...hmm...det ska man nog inte säga på engelska...