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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Stinky bus.

Its just another lifestyle there.

Thats me. Somewhere in there. Yesterday. Except they were all asian.
Well, at least thats how i felt.

I was sitting on Bus 30 on my way to french class, with the smell of fart and school chirden sweat. Disgusting in other words.

And now, i have to put antibiotic drops in my eyes. Which is like, the worst thing i know!
Yesterday David were trying for 30 mins before he put the drops in there. He was so annoyed. And i kept telling him that that made it even worse. But everytime he came close, i blinked.

"Ohh come ooooon johanna (when he calls me johanna, its serious) Dont be a kid ok??"
"Well, im not doing it because i think its fun. Im just scared.
"Scared of what? Its not gonna hurt!!!"

Well, like i dont know that??

2 cute comments:

Karin said...

haha...poor david...I KNOW...I have been there once, with the eyedrops hunting Johanna, getting more and more angry...haha...Good luck David. She is hopeless. /kisses to you

Karin said...

...I mean kisses to you both...:-)